What is pet therapy?

Pet therapy is a broad term that includes casual meetings in which an animal and its handler interact with one or more people for comfort or enjoyment.


  • Community Placement

    These visits generally consist of one team visiting a facility or organization on a regularly-scheduled basis. This can be weekly, biweekly or monthly depending on the volunteer team’s availability and the facility’s needs. We currently visit nursing homes, hospitals, schools, public libraries, churches, and more to establish relationships and provide comfort to the people at those facilities.

  • Group Events

    Colleges and high schools as well as corporations often request de-stress events to ease anxiety and stress of students, employees, faculty and staff. Pet therapy is often called upon to help ease the pain of bereavement, loss and trauma. We also attend events to promote the awareness and benefts of pet therapy. We ask for at least 4 weeks notice before your event to coordinate the visit.

  • Pets as Listeners (PALS)

    In our Pets as Listeners (PALS) program, children get the chance to sit down and read a book of their choosing to a therapy dog. Dogs do not care if they make mistakes or struggle with a word. This judgement-free environment encourages kids to work on their reading skills and provides instant positive reinforcement from the pup! PALS visits usually take place at public libraries and schools.